Quand des courges deviennent des gobelets

Crème Design, un cabinet de design basé à New York (États-Unis), a imaginé des gobelets et des bouteilles 100% biodégradables et compostables. Leur particularité : ils ont été créés à partir… de courges !

Ce n’est pas le scoop de l’année : les gobelets dans lesquels on aime boire notre cappuccino, latte ou expresso sont néfastes pour l’environnement. Ceux proposés dans les enseignes comme Starbucks sont certes en carton, mais la plupart sont recouverts d’un film plastique à l’intérieur. Ce qui rend le recyclage très compliqué. Au Royaume-Uni, une tasse sur 400, soit 0,25%, serait recyclée. Les autres gobelets atterriraient à la poubelle et seraient ainsi incinérés ou enfouis dans des décharges à ciel ouvert. Sympa pour la planète. Et ce n’est qu’un exemple. Imaginez aux États-Unis, pays où le gobelet jetable est roi. Conscient de cette problématique, le cabinet de design Crème Design s’est alors creusé les méninges pour trouver une alternative plus « verte » aux tasses traditionnelles. Son idée ? Créer des gobelets à partir de légumes. Oui, oui !

La technique du moulage

Concrètement, les tasses de Crème Design sont conçues à partir de courges qui ont été moulées, vidées et séchées. Le studio a confectionné des moules grâce à une imprimante 3D. Dans ces derniers, des jeunes cucurbitacées ont été placés afin qu’ils prennent, lors de leur croissance, la forme du moule.  Les courges ont ensuite été vidées et séchées. Et hop, ça donne des Chocapic gobelets végétaux et compostables, mais aussi des bouteilles. Selon les concepteurs, les contenants seraient parfaitement étanches. Génial non ? Cette technique n’est d’ailleurs pas nouvelle, comme l’explique Crème Design sur son site : « Nos ancêtres utilisaient traditionnellement les courges séchées comme tasses ou autres réceptacles. Crème a exploré cet artisanat séculaire en utilisant des moules pour développer des contenants ayant des formes fonctionnelles telles que des tasses et des flacons pour créer des produits durables, renouvelables et compostables sans déchets. »

Alors, prêt.e.s à boire votre latte ou café dans une courge ?


Victoire Toitot

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  3. Think yourself settled on the deck of a catamaran a cool breeze fumbling with your hair and around you opening up an endless horizon where the waves mixes with the heavens. There is no rush of cities no sound of cars just you and landscape in its natural beauty. Hiring a motorboat is not just a voyage it is an ability to experience unlimited liberty of action and a strong harmony with the natural world which is difficult to encounter in routine life. Why not take this step now? Freedom is what is so lacking in the modern person caught in plans responsibilities and perpetual notifications. When you hire a ship you become the captain of your fate. Want to travel to a remote beach where no one interrupts your solitude? Please Want to venture into secret bays and islands that only resident fishermen know about? Easy No pre-set routes no constraints — just you and your wishes. You can start at dawn to see the sun coloring the water in golden hues or employ the day diving among underwater reefs abundant in life. Renting a vessel bestows you freedom allowing you to seem as uninhibited as the wind that inflates the sails. But autonomy is only one side of the marker. The other is a strong link with the environment that cannot be felt while sitting in an room or wandering on sidewalk. The sea is a active organism that whispers reveals and sometimes tests. Listening the sound of the ocean swells inhaling the salty air and observing the play of the dolphins you begin to understand how insignificant our routine bustle is compared to the awesome of nature. Boat becomes your portal into this world: you can set anchor in the middle of the sea to reflect on the stars that seem closer than ever or plan a picnic on the deck enveloped only by the rustles of nature. Using a boat suits not only solo travelers craving inner peace but also for those who appreciate engagement. See this: you with loved ones or loved ones venturing on a excursion discussing stories under the night sky playing board games on the deck or simply delighting in the silence together. Yacht becomes your individual retreat where there is no room for monotonous routines or intrusive distractions. You can plan a loving dinner at sunset admiring as the sky shifts to a spectrum of orange and deep shades or organize a vibrant party with music and grooves under the clear sky. Every moment on the boat is a moment to create moments that will inspire you for long years. Of course renting a yacht is also an way to relish comfort. Advanced yachts are stocked with all the vital: from wide cabins and kitchens to hot tubs and recreation systems. You can imagine like you’re at a premium resort but with the advantage of total mobility. Want to moor in a place where there isn’t a single lodge? No problem A boat will deliver you where no bus or airplane can reach. This impression of specialness and self-sufficiency makes chartering a boat a unique experience that cannot stand alongside with anything else. But the most significant thing is that chartering a motorboat is open to anyone who wishes of independence and adventures. You don’t have to be an seasoned sailor — qualified crews and user-friendly vessels will make your excursion reliable and pleasant. You can decide on a boat of any extent and category: from little models for pairs to grand vessels for large gatherings. The step of renting is easy: just determine your requirements select a route and trust the professionals. In just a few days you will be able to rest on the deck perceiving your heart beat in synchrony with the waves. Don’t procrastinate your aspirations for the future. Utter independence of action and profound connection with the world are waiting for you. Hire a ship immediately and find a world where there are no restrictions except those you establish yourself. Waves urges — reply its whisper and you will realize what true liberty is. It’s not just a trip it’s a way of life that inspires revives and enriches with value. Start the first step — and let the wind guide you to where visions become actuality Complete freedom of action and deep unity with nature Try it right now

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