Quand des courges deviennent des gobelets

Crème Design, un cabinet de design basé à New York (États-Unis), a imaginé des gobelets et des bouteilles 100% biodégradables et compostables. Leur particularité : ils ont été créés à partir… de courges !

Ce n’est pas le scoop de l’année : les gobelets dans lesquels on aime boire notre cappuccino, latte ou expresso sont néfastes pour l’environnement. Ceux proposés dans les enseignes comme Starbucks sont certes en carton, mais la plupart sont recouverts d’un film plastique à l’intérieur. Ce qui rend le recyclage très compliqué. Au Royaume-Uni, une tasse sur 400, soit 0,25%, serait recyclée. Les autres gobelets atterriraient à la poubelle et seraient ainsi incinérés ou enfouis dans des décharges à ciel ouvert. Sympa pour la planète. Et ce n’est qu’un exemple. Imaginez aux États-Unis, pays où le gobelet jetable est roi. Conscient de cette problématique, le cabinet de design Crème Design s’est alors creusé les méninges pour trouver une alternative plus « verte » aux tasses traditionnelles. Son idée ? Créer des gobelets à partir de légumes. Oui, oui !

La technique du moulage

Concrètement, les tasses de Crème Design sont conçues à partir de courges qui ont été moulées, vidées et séchées. Le studio a confectionné des moules grâce à une imprimante 3D. Dans ces derniers, des jeunes cucurbitacées ont été placés afin qu’ils prennent, lors de leur croissance, la forme du moule.  Les courges ont ensuite été vidées et séchées. Et hop, ça donne des Chocapic gobelets végétaux et compostables, mais aussi des bouteilles. Selon les concepteurs, les contenants seraient parfaitement étanches. Génial non ? Cette technique n’est d’ailleurs pas nouvelle, comme l’explique Crème Design sur son site : « Nos ancêtres utilisaient traditionnellement les courges séchées comme tasses ou autres réceptacles. Crème a exploré cet artisanat séculaire en utilisant des moules pour développer des contenants ayant des formes fonctionnelles telles que des tasses et des flacons pour créer des produits durables, renouvelables et compostables sans déchets. »

Alors, prêt.e.s à boire votre latte ou café dans une courge ?


Victoire Toitot

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  1. Responsible gambling is a crucial aspect of the gaming industry that emphasizes the need for safe gaming practices prevention of problem gambling and addressing gambling addiction. As gaming becomes more accessible through online platforms and mobile devices it is essential for both operators and players to prioritize responsible gambling to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. What is Responsible Gambling? Responsible gambling refers to actions taken by individuals organizations and gaming operators to promote safe gaming practices and mitigate the risks associated with gambling. It encompasses various strategies that aim to prevent problem gambling and support individuals facing gambling addiction. Key elements include: – Education and Awareness: Providing information about gambling risks and encouraging informed decision-making. – Support Resources: Offering access to resources for individuals who may experience gambling-related problems. – Policy Frameworks: Establishing guidelines and policies to ensure that gambling operations promote responsible practices. Safe Gaming Practices Implementing safe gaming practices can help protect players and foster a responsible gambling environment. Essential practices include: – Setting Limits: Players should establish limits on their time spending and bets to avoid excessive gambling. Operators can facilitate this by offering tools for limit-setting. – Self-Exclusion Options: Providing options for players to voluntarily exclude themselves from gambling activities if they feel they are losing control. – Recognizing Signs of Problem Gambling: Encouraging players to be aware of the signs of problem gambling such as increased secrecy about gambling habits or a growing preoccupation with gambling. Problem Gambling Prevention Preventing problem gambling involves proactive measures aimed at addressing potential issues before they escalate. Strategies include: – Education Campaigns: Running campaigns to educate players about responsible gambling and the risks of addiction. – Incorporating Game Design: Designing games with features that promote positive gambling behaviors such as reminders about time spent playing. – Training for Staff: Educating casino staff and online support teams to recognize signs of problem gambling and respond appropriately. Gambling Addiction Gambling addiction or compulsive gambling is a serious condition that can have devastating effects on individuals and their families. Recognizing and addressing gambling addiction is vital for prevention efforts. Key considerations include: – Symptoms of Gambling Addiction: Awareness of symptoms like an inability to stop gambling lying about gambling activities or using gambling as an escape from problems safe gaming practices – Support and Treatment: Promoting access to treatment options including counseling and support groups for individuals struggling with gambling addiction. – Community Involvement: Encouraging community initiatives and support networks to assist those affected by gambling addiction fostering a sense of belonging and support. Conclusion Responsible gambling is a collective responsibility that requires the commitment of players operators and regulators. By promoting safe gaming practices preventing problem gambling and effectively addressing gambling addiction the gaming industry can create a healthier and more sustainable environment. As awareness of responsible gambling grows it is essential to continue developing and implementing strategies that protect players and ensure that gambling remains a fun and entertaining activity.

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